GD TOPIC 20th APRIL Mall shopping, street shopping or online shopping- which is better?
Shopping is one word that brings smile on women’s face. Shopping is loved by everyone. Even if people don’t want to buy anything, they love to opt for window shopping. Previously, it was all about the street shopping. Then was introduced the whole new world of malls and the entertainment. And now it is more about the online shopping. So which is your most preferred form of shopping?
Mall Shopping Group Discussion with Answer
• It offers availability of a range of merchandise and brands in a single place. Buyers can explore a variety of designs and styles under one roof.
• It saves time and efforts as there is no need to move from one street to another in search of the products.
• Mall shopping comes with entertainment. There are cinema halls and gaming zones included in the shopping malls.
• Most of the shopping malls have a complete supermarket and grocery retailers where the products are available at discounted rate. Group Discussion with Answer
Group Discussion with Answer
• There is the easy option to try and feel the products at real time. There is no need to wait for the products to come at home.
• The quality of the products is much better than the products found at the street shops.
Online Shopping
• There is no need to search for any physical space to showcase the products. The shopping is not restricted by area constraints.
• The online shopping provides immense comfort to the working people who do not have much time to go out and shop for the products.
• With the advent of online stores it has become easy to buy the products required in day to day life including groceries.
• Online shopping allows the buyers to find the best quality products at the best affordable prices. Compare the prices and then buy the products.
• Online shopping can be done without worrying about the time restrictions or without any location constraints.
Street shopping
• Street shopping is all about the independent shops where shoppers can find unique and innovative stuff. Malls have more or less the same stuff and same brands.
• Street shopping is more about fun when the shoppers can enjoy the real fun of bargaining with the shop-keepers.
• The stuff found at street shops is not expensive. They offer the affordable product range that can be bought by all classes.
• Street shopping is more about roaming carelessly having a drink or coffee with friends or enjoying the street food along with shopping.
All the people are different with their own sets of tastes and preferences. The more options in the form of street shopping, mall shopping and online shopping has made things much easier for the people. It has made shopping all more convenient. All the forms have their own set of good and bad points. But the fact is that they have made shopping real easy in the always running world.
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