- ebullientjoyously unrestrainedThe piece opened with ebullient bursts of energy and color that scampered over harmonica drones played by one or more members.New York Times (May 10, 2010)
- eclecticselecting what seems best of various styles or ideasA former student of fine art, Mr Scruff’s eclectic selections are accompanied by animations of the trademark “potato people” who humorously narrate his musical journey.The Guardian (Aug 13, 2011)
- ediblesuitable for use as foodNevertheless, hunger increased so much that many ventured out into woods along the river seeking edible roots, and with some success.Spears, John R.
- edifymake understandThen Miss Fairbairn held one of her little discourses, with which now and then she endeavoured to edify her pupils.Warner, Susan
- effaceremove by or as if by rubbing or erasingHer rich beauty was wiped out as an acid-soaked sponge might efface a portrait.Terhune, Albert Payson
- effervescentmarked by high spirits or excitementWhen he ran for president, Barack Obama’s effervescent campaign was about hope, optimism, national unity, and, above all, the future.Newsweek (May 17, 2010)
- effulgentradiating or as if radiating lightEre another year be passed, we hope to see its effulgent rays light up all the dark corners of our land.Cutter, Orlando P.
- egalitarianfavoring social equality“We are living in an egalitarian society where everyone is equal,” he said.BusinessWeek (Dec 2, 2011)
- egotisticalhaving an inflated idea of one’s own importanceI have lived an entirely egotistical life, for myself alone.The Guardian (Jan 3, 2011)
- egregiousconspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible“His comments were so egregious, naturally advertisers will have doubts about being associated with Limbaugh’s brand of hate,” Mr. Boehlert said in an e-mail message.New York Times (Mar 5, 2012)
- elatedfull of high-spirited delightYoung Barry returned from his parting walk with his brother in high spirits,elated with hope, and better both in mind and body.Cobbold, Richard
- eloquentexpressing yourself readily, clearly, effectivelyBut, so far as the best selection of words, the clearest style, the most coherent and convincing argument can constitute eloquence, Mill’s speeches are eloquent.McCarthy, Justin
- elucidatemake clear and comprehensibleImproving the understanding of why tissues in bar-headed geese are so adept at taking up oxygen might elucidate human respiration as well.Scientific American (Nov 5, 2011)
- eludeescape, either physically or mentallyGregory Standifer was arrested at the scene after allegedly attempting toelude police by jumping out of a window, police said.Chicago Tribune (Sep 4, 2011)
- elusiveskillful at evading captureThey are an elusive lot and Don Ramon would soon wear out his troops hunting them in the bush.Bindloss, Harold
- emancipatefree from slavery or servitudeThe Civil War came to an end, leaving the slave not only emancipated but endowed with the full dignity of citizenship.Elliott, Maud Howe
- embellishmake more attractive, as by adding ornament or colorAt Saks, reedy shapes and flared minis, and more vanguard looks like Marc Jacobs’s sports-inspired skirts embellished with a racing stripe, are projected best sellers.New York Times (Mar 21, 2012)
- embodyrepresent in bodily formHe was a can-do optimist who, despite many years in the environs of Hollywood, identified with and embodied American values.New York Times (Jan 29, 2012)
- embryonicof an organism prior to birth or hatchingHuman embryonic stem cells typically come from fertilized eggs.Scientific American (Nov 4, 2011)
- eminentstanding above others in quality or positionThe daring aviator was heartily congratulated again by the President and other eminent men who thronged about him.Galbreath, C. B. (Charles Burleigh)
- emphaticforceful and definite in expression or actionMiss Penny repeated my question in her loud, emphatic voice.Huxley, Aldous
- empiricalderived from experiment and observation rather than theory“So far, no one has reported empirical evidence from real city-traffic data that the transition Kerner predicted actually occurs,” Davis pointed out.US News (Oct 18, 2011)
- emulatestrive to equal or match, especially by imitatingPeople in the technology field described Mr. Jobs as someone they could only look up to — and try to emulate.New York Times (Oct 6, 2011)
- enamorattractNot long ago I fell in love, But unreturned is my affection— The girl that I’menamored of Pays little heed in my direction.Morley, Christopher
- encumberhold backTwo others were making slower progress for the reason that each wasencumbered by supporting a disabled man.Westerman, Percy F. (Percy Francis)
- endearinglovable especially in a childlike or naive way“They have goofy and lovable personalities that are incredibly endearing,” she said.New York Times (Nov 23, 2011)
- endeavorattempt by employing effortA few men endeavored to win popularity by pursuing a few others, and thus far they have been conspicuous failures.Ingersoll, Robert Green
- endemicof a disease constantly present in a particular localityAn endemic disease, due to local causes and spreading by intercommunication.Various
- enigmasomething that baffles understanding and cannot be explainedTails are often an enigma; many creatures have them, but scientists know little about their function, particularly for extinct species.Science Magazine (Jan 4, 2012)
- enmitya state of deep-seated ill-willHe looked at the young man with enmity, while his face every day grew harder, more angry, and stern, like iron.Lathrop, George Parsons
- ennuithe feeling of being bored by something tedious“You are in the Land of Pleasure, and in yonder castle lives a horrid Giant called Ennui, who bores everybody he catches to death.”Taylor, Bert Leston
- enthrallhold spellboundBut despite the bottomless spate of new “Housewives” series that Bravo keeps trotting out, the “Real Housewives” franchise still fascinates andenthralls me.Salon (Oct 4, 2010)
- enticeprovoke someone to do something through persuasionMy new acquisition, “Boy,” insisted on being petted, and his winning andenticing ways are irresistible.Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy)
- entomologythe branch of zoology that studies insectsFrom the department of entomology you expect to learn something about the troublesome insects, which are so universal an annoyance.Latham, A. W.
- entreatask for or request earnestly“Let me go now, please,” she entreated, her eyes unable to meet his any longer.Hope, Anthony
- entrepreneursomeone who organizes a business ventureMr. Boehner said it would be “good news for entrepreneurs and aspiring small businesspeople struggling to overcome government barriers to job creation.”New York Times (Apr 6, 2012)
- enumeratedetermine the number or amount ofThe houses in this street are not enumerated beyond forty-five, all told. Allbut, Robert
- enunciateexpress or state clearlyOn the second floor, kindergarten children stand together in a circle, clapping while learning how to enunciate different words.New York Times (Dec 31, 2011)
- ephemeralanything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a daySuch larger political structures as the tyrants of Syracuse built up by the subjugation of other cities were purely ephemeral, barely outliving their founders.Boak, Arthur Edward Romilly
- epiphanya divine manifestationBut at least he’s acting as the father of his child, and that, rather than anyepiphany or miraculous transformation, is the point.Salon (Dec 21, 2010)
- epitomea standard or typical exampleMs. Netrebko, in particular, riveted all eyes and ears, the epitome of star-crossed glamour in her black bob and sick-rose-red cocktail dress.New York Times (Dec 26, 2010)
- epocha period marked by distinctive characterThe best authorities put the climax of the last glacial epoch between twenty-five and thirty thousand years ago.Huntington, Ellsworth
- equestrianof or relating to or featuring horseback ridingWhile some racehorses peak in their younger years and move on to breeding, equestrian horses tend to be older and require complex training.Seattle Times (Jan 20, 2012)
- equitablefair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscienceI suggested, as a more equitable adjustment, an equal division of profits; and to that Mr. Gye at last agreed.Mapleson, James H.
- equivocatebe deliberately ambiguous or unclearBeaten in the open field, the church began to equivocate, to evade, and to give new meanings to inspired words.Ingersoll, Robert Green
- eradicatekill in large numbersSome people are misusing poisonous chemicals in a desperate bid toeradicate the pests, federal officials said Thursday.New York Times (Sep 23, 2011)
- erodebecome ground down or deterioratePrime Minister Silvio Berlusconi lost his absolute majority in the Italian parliament in a vote today on last year’s budget, further eroding his authority.BusinessWeek (Nov 8, 2011)
- erraticliable to sudden unpredictable changeThe U.S. officials stressed that North Korea’s past behavior has been notoriously erratic, making predictions about its intentions difficult.Washington Post (Dec 19, 2011)
- eruditehaving or showing profound knowledgeIn countless deft, darting, erudite essays, it has enabled him to explain the unexpected continuities and awkward breaks of literary history.The Guardian (Jul 4, 2010)
- eschewavoid and stay away from deliberatelyVegans eschew all animal products, including dairy and eggs, so their iodine sources may be few.Reuters (Jan 17, 2012)
- esotericunderstandable only by an enlightened inner circleBut researchers can get lost in their genius, drilling into ever more esotericquestions.Scientific American (Feb 7, 2012)
- etymologya history of a wordIts “suggested” etymology or word origin is Latin serpens meaning “a snake” and French sortir meaning “come out of, to leave.”New York Times (May 17, 2010)
- euphemisman inoffensive expression substituted for an offensive oneIt is an oddly polite term—a euphemism—that conceals varying degrees of fear, loathing, and admiration.New York Times (Mar 30, 2010)
- euphoriaa feeling of great elationPopular euphoria and joy at their leaders’ departure has given way to frustration, grievance and fear.Reuters (Dec 22, 2011)
- evanescenttending to vanish like vaporTime seems stopped but it is moving on, and every glimmer of light isevanescent, flitting.The Guardian (Apr 15, 2010)
- evasivedeliberately vague or ambiguousI anticipated finding them deceitful and evasive: furtive people, wandering in devious ways and disappearing into mysterious houses, at dead of night.Street, Julian
- evincegive expression toTogether, the performers evince an easy, humorous energy, like affectionate but mischievous siblings.New York Times (Mar 16, 2012)
- evokecall forth, as an emotion, feeling, or responseTropical fish tanks in restaurants, hospitals and homes evoke feelings of tranquility and beauty.Scientific American (Apr 6, 2012)
- evolveundergo developmentIn its 166+ year history, Scientific American has changed and evolved in different directions many times.Scientific American (Apr 2, 2012)
- exacerbatemake worsePoliticians have argued that further austerity will only exacerbate the country’s economic death spiral by deepening its worse than expected recession.The Guardian (Feb 12, 2012)
- exaltfill with sublime emotionBut this woman’s beauty was glorified by eyes that spoke of exaltedthoughts, passionate longings, lofty emotions.Hocking, Joseph
- excavaterecover through diggingWith many of Caligula’s monuments destroyed after he was killed by his Praetorian guard at 28, archaeologists are eager to excavate for his remains.The Guardian (Jan 17, 2011)
- excoriateexpress strong disapproval ofThe landlord had another excoriating remark, which he might have flung at the young man and finished him up, but he magnanimously forbore.Bouton, John Bell
- exculpatepronounce not guilty of criminal chargesStepan did not try to exculpate himself, and bore patiently his sentence which was three days in the punishment-cell, and after that solitary confinement.Tolstoy, Leo, graf
- execratecurse or declare to be evil or anathemaEven the crimes of monsters, whom we execrate, are to be traced to madness and intoxication, more than to natural fierceness and wickedness.Lord, John
- exemplifyclarify by giving an illustration ofHe brought up reality television — specifically, the garish sort of realityexemplified by Bravo’s “Real Housewives” steamroller.New York Times (Aug 27, 2011)
- exhortforce or impel in an indicated directionA proclamation was put up on shore, exhorting the people to keep quiet, attend to their avocations, and bring in presents as obedient subjects.Lindley, Augustus F.
- existentialrelating to or dealing with the state of beingJindal, by contrast, has treated the spill as an existential threat, saying repeatedly that what’s at stake “is a way of life for us.”Washington Post (May 18, 2010)
- exodusa journey by a group to escape from a hostile environmentIt said the flight of Christians to other parts of Iraq and abroad has become “a slow but steady exodus“.BBC (Dec 17, 2010)
- exoneratepronounce not guilty of criminal charges“He was, if not exonerated, never proven guilty,” Elizabeth Hecht said in an interview on Thursday.New York Times (Feb 10, 2012)
- exorbitantgreatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderationRents are exorbitant; but ordinary living and bad liquors are cheap.Whymper, Frederick
- expatiateadd details, as to an account or ideaHe then expatiated on his own miseries, which he detailed at full length.Manzoni, Alessandro
- expatriatea person who is voluntarily absent from home or countryShe and Jack Hemingway, also known as Bumby, were toddlers at the time, living with their expatriate American parents in Paris.New York Times (Mar 31, 2012)
- expectationanticipating with confidence of fulfillmentEvery plan had proved abortive, every expectation been disappointed.Headley, Joel Tyler
- expectoratedischarge from the lungs and out of the mouthNo, they don’t care to go, expectorating the tobacco juice from their mouths into the fire at the same time.Various
- expedienta means to an endIn his youth he had apparently settled the problem once for all; but the solution then found was scarcely more than a temporary expedient.Chinard, Gilbert
- expediteprocess fast and efficientlyFirst-class customers generally have access to priority check-in and boarding, expedited baggage service and faster security lines at some airports.BusinessWeek (Aug 4, 2011)
- expendituremoney paid out; an amount spentUnless income also rises — which isn’t happening for many people now — higher fuel costs will eventually displace other expenditures.New York Times (Mar 3, 2012)
- expiatemake amends forYes, I was so far guilty, and I make the confession in hopes that some portion of my errors may be expiated by repentance.Various
- explicitprecisely and clearly expressed or readily observableJust as medical researchers once uncovered the link between cigarettes and lung cancer, researchers are now making the explicit connection between air pollution and asthma.Time (Mar 29, 2012)
- exploitationan act that victimizes someoneBut this profit rested on intensive exploitation and domination: whole families worked in the mills, including children.Salon (Feb 17, 2011)
- expositoryserving to expound or set forth“Several characters are required to make long expository speeches in which the play’s themes are clumsily disclosed.”The Guardian (Feb 24, 2011)
- expulsionthe act of forcing out someone or something“She is very near expulsion, not suspension,” said the principal, gravely.Morrison, Gertrude W.
- expungeremove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a lineIf he stays out of a trouble for a year the incident will be expunged from his record.Seattle Times (Aug 4, 2010)
- exquisitedelicately beautifulConstance lifted up her exquisite voice untiringly, weaving her magic spell about her eager listeners.Lester, Pauline
- extantstill in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lostShe then wrote her last will, which is still extant, and consists of four pages, closely written, in a neat, firm hand.Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold)
- extemporaneouswith little or no preparation or forethoughtHis friends sometimes held an extemporaneous concert in his room, without preparation, programme, or audience.Various
- extendstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scopeOne map showed a runway system extending across 140 square meters and including 12 underground burrows.Martin, Edwin P.
- extensiona delay in the date set for the completion of somethingChalk River’s license expired last year, but it was given a single five-yearextension; the Dutch reactor’s lifetime is less certain but also limited.New York Times (Feb 7, 2012)
- extirpatedestroy completely, as if down to the rootsThe last wolf was killed in Great Britain two hundred years ago, and the bear was extirpated from that island still earlier.Marsh, George P.
- extolpraise, glorify, or honorHow I praised the duck at that first dinner, and extolled Madame’s skill in cookery!Warren, Arthur
- extortobtain by coercion or intimidationAn instrument of torture for the leg, formerly used to extort confessions, particularly in Scotland.Webster, Noah
- extraneousnot pertinent to the matter under considerationAs a general rule, he explained, rulings other than the one being honored had been removed as extraneous.Slate (Feb 22, 2012)
- extrapolatedraw from specific cases for more general casesEarlier studies, extrapolating from recessions in the 1970s and 1980s, found larger effects.BusinessWeek (Feb 27, 2012)
- extricaterelease from entanglement or difficultyThere was a prickly pear on top, the thorns of which caught him so that at first he could not extricate himself.Reed, Helen Leah
- extrinsicnot forming an essential part of a thingThere are no external or extrinsic influences—resulting from weariness or interruption.Hamilton, Clayton Meeker
- extroverta person directed toward others as opposed to the selfThe extrovert is the typical active; always leaning out of the window and setting up contacts with the outside world.Underhill, Evelyn
- exuberantjoyously unrestrainedAll these prose works were marked by an exuberant, vivid, poetic, impassioned style.Lowell, James Russell
- exudemake apparent by one’s mood or behaviorRizzo said many prospects exude outward confidence but lack it inwardly.New York Times (Mar 3, 2012)
- exultfeel extreme happiness or elationLike a soldier going into battle, exulted and fired by a high and lofty purpose, his heart sang within him.